When You Need An Attorney On Your Side For An Insurance Claim

Being involved in an auto accident or motorcycle accident can really throw things off track. Even if you avoided a severe accident or serious bodily harm, you may have a vehicle that is damaged or totaled.  The question to consider is whether you can move forward on your own or if you need an attorney on your side to represent your interests.

How Do I Know if I Need an Attorney for my Insurance Claim?

If you were fortunate not to have been injured in an accident caused by another driver but have questions about the damage or total loss of your car or motorcycle, I will probably tell you that you can handle that insurance claim on your own.  But, I still want to help you and the consultation is free.  I will walk you through the insurance claims process and give you some tips on how to deal with the insurance adjuster handling your claim.

What if you are injured?  You may be surprised to hear that I do not advise everyone I speak with who has been in injured in an accident that I think they need an attorney.  But, I cannot give you an answer without first talking to you on the phone about the nature of your accident and the type of injuries that you sustained.  If during that conversation I believe that you can handle your injury claim on your own, I will spend time going over the aspects of an injury claim and give you some tips on how to best deal with the insurance company.  Your call to me to discuss your injury claim is free, so you have nothing to lose by picking up the phone and giving me a call.

How Would I Get Started on my Insurance Claim if I Decide to Handle it Myself?

The first step is to call the insurance company of the other driver to see if they have reported the accident.  You can generally get the other driver’s insurance company and policy number from a document given to you by the officer often referred to as an Exchange Slip.  If you did not receive this type of document, you will be able to find the name of the insurance company and policy number on the official accident report filed by the officer that responded to the scene of the accident.  If the claim has not been reported by the other driver, you will tell the insurance company that you are calling to set up a new claim. Generally, during the first conversation with the other driver’s insurance company they get the following information from you: basic background, date and place of the accident, whether you sustained any injuries, were there any traffic citations given out, etc.  The insurance company will assign an adjuster to your case and at some point he or she will give you a call regarding what will take place next.  At some point, the insurance adjuster may ask to get a recorded statement from you regarding how the accident occurred and what injuries you sustained.  Because this recorded statement is a very important part of the claim, I would urge you to talk to an attorney first before giving such a statement.

The Benefits of Having an Experienced Accident Attorney on Your Side

When I represent an individual who has been injured in an auto accident or motorcycle accident I take over the responsibility of dealing with the insurance company of the driver at fault.   I have 30 years of experience and therefore I know how insurance claims work and what information and documents are needed by the insurance company to maximize the best possible outcome of your case.  I know how to organize the documentation in a professional manner that helps the insurance adjuster best understand the particulars of your case, such as medical expenses, lost wages, your medical treatment, and how your injuries have affected your daily activities.  I then work diligently to obtain an insurance settlement that is acceptable to you.  Furthermore, if I handle your injury claim I will also handle all aspects of any property claim you may have for the damage to your vehicle, and I will handle such property claim at no charge.

If you have been involved in an auto or motorcycle accident and want to discuss whether you could benefit from having an experienced accident attorney on your side, contact the law office online or call me today at 919-942-1181.

Gary Poole – North Carolina Motorcycle Accident Attorney “On the Side of Those Who Ride”

Gary Poole Law Office